Why In-Q-Tel Is A Crime Against Humanity

10 times the intel community violated the trust of US citizens, lawmakers and allies

10 times the intel community violated the trust of US citizens, lawmakers and allies
© Getty Images
No matter where you stand politically, a growing body of facts raises the question: Is there systemic corruption or misfeasance at work inside America’s intelligence agencies?
By that, I don’t mean people stealing money. I mean officials who are stealing our privacy — using the tools of intelligence-gathering and law-enforcing, which are meant to protect Americans, to instead spy on them, to gather information that isn’t the government’s business (at least not without a court’s approval). And, in some instances, it appears, to punish or silence those with whom they disagree — personal and political foes, in and out of government — rather than to pursue and protect Americans from the country’s real enemies.
Perhaps more alarming is the growing evidence that suggests some officials at all levels in intelligence and justice agencies are operating in a way that is clearly intended to serve their own political beliefs and interests — not the public’s interests.
And sometimes, it appears, they operate not just in direct defiance of their superiors but of the Congress, the courts and the very laws of the land as well.
(Almost as disturbing, Congress, for its part, seems all too willing to allow all of this to take place, when it becomes known, rather than using its authority to stop the misfeasance, punish the miscreants who lie or stonewall, and protect their constituents.)
This is not, in my view, a partisan political question. The evidence leading us to ask such a disturbing question indicates there are forces inside our intelligence agencies that are more persistent and powerful than any single political party or administration. They can usurp the intentions of the many fine intelligence officers serving our country.
The following examples are not a comprehensive list; instead, they are a representative guidepost that demonstrates the cause for concern while showing that this is not a new phenomenon or one confined to a single administration:
Telecom takeover
Joe Nacchio, CEO of telecom giant Qwest, said that after he refused to spy on his customers for the National Security Agency (NSA) without a warrant in February of 2001, the government retaliated by yanking a contract worth hundreds of millions of dollars and filing an insider trading case against him. He went to prison. The government denied charges of retaliation.
Olympic spying
In 2002, the NSA reportedly engaged in “blanket surveillance” of the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah, collecting and storing “virtually all electronic communications going into or out of the Salt Lake City area, including … emails and text messages” to “experiment with and fine tune a new scale of mass surveillance.” NSA officials had denied such a program existed.
Spying on Congress
In 2005 intel officials intercepted and recorded phone conversations between then-Congresswoman Jane Harman (D-Calif.)  and pro-Israel lobbyists who were under investigation for espionage. In 2009, someone — exactly who was never revealed — leaked Harman’s “unmasked” name to the press. In 2011, intel officials captured private communications between then-Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) and a Libyan official. The wiretapped recordings were later leaked to the press — again, by unknown sources.
Journalist "witch hunts"
Internal emails from a “global intelligence company” executive in 2010 stated: “Brennan is behind the witch hunts of investigative journalists learning information from inside the beltway sources. Note -- There is specific tasker from the [White House] to go after anyone printing materials negative to the Obama agenda (oh my.) Even the FBI is shocked.” The name “Brennan” appears to reference then-U.S. homeland security adviser John Brennan, who went on to become CIA director.
Misleading on mass spying
On March 12, 2013, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told Congress that intel officials were not collecting mass data on tens of millions of Americans. NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden soon revealed material that proved Clapper’s testimony false: The government had been gathering and storing data from ordinary Americans’ phone records, email and Internet use.
More spying on Congress
CIA officials improperly accessed Senate Intelligence Committee computers, according to an Inspector General report in July 2014, contradicting denials by then-CIA Director Brennan. Meantime, Obama intel officials secretly captured communications of a half-dozen members of Congress and organizations in the U.S. while wiretapping Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
NSA privacy violations
In fall 2016, the government confessed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court “significant non-compliance” of crucial procedures designed to protect privacy rights of U.S. citizens. The judge accused the NSA of “institutional ‘lack of candor’” and declared: “This is a very serious Fourth Amendment issue.”
Intel mutiny?
Government requests to see or “unmask” names of Americans whose communications are “incidentally” captured during national security surveillance are supposed to be rare and justified. Yet Obama administration officials made them on a near-daily basis during the 2016 election year. U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice admitted under pressure that she “unmasked” senior Trump transition officials who met with a foreign official under surveillance at Trump Tower. In early 2017, the CIA, NSA and FBI refused congressional requests to provide a list of unmasking requests made by Obama officials. Meantime, the FBI also stonewalled Congress about the opposition research “dossier” against Trump that the FBI obtained during the campaign.
Politically motivated press leak
In May 2017, former FBI Director James Comey secretly orchestrated a “leak” to The New York Times of negative memos he said he wrote contemporaneously about President Trump, with the motive of spurring the appointment of a special counsel to investigate the president’s alleged Russia ties. Special counsel Robert Mueller (who has served under Presidents Reagan, Clinton, Obama and both Bushes) was appointed a short time later.
Conflicted investigators
One purpose of special counsel investigations, such as the Russia investigation being led by former FBI Director Mueller, is to avoid the appearance of conflicts of interest. But multiple investigators working on Mueller’s team have been removed after being caught in compromising positions. They include FBI agent Peter Strzok who sent a questionable text message to a fellow agent with whom he was having an affair. The message talks about needing an “insurance policy” in case Donald Trump were elected president.
Think all this really doesn’t matter to you, as a private citizen? You never know. Reality hit home for me when multiple computer forensics reports confirmed extensive government surveillance of me while I reported for CBS News during the Obama administration. Rather than cooperate or expose the bad actors, today’s Department of Justice is opposing my lawsuit over those intrusions in Virginia federal court.
Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) is an Emmy-award winning investigative journalist, author of The New York Times bestsellers “The Smear” and “Stonewalled,” and host of Sinclair’s Sunday TV program “Full Measure.”

Debate rages in the GOP over ObamaCare repeal

Debate rages in the GOP over ObamaCare repeal
© Greg Nash

A debate is raging in the Republican Party over the future of ObamaCare, with some urging the party to take another shot at repeal in 2018.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), whose majority will fall to a single seat in January, has signaled he intends to move on from legislation repealing the Affordable Care Act and instead look for bills that can pass with bipartisan support.

"Well, we obviously were unable to completely repeal and replace with a 52-48 Senate," McConnell told NPR. "We'll have to take a look at what that looks like with a 51-49 Senate. But I think we'll probably move on to other issues."

That answer isn’t sitting well with some conservatives, who say the party shouldn’t turn its back on a long-standing campaign pledge.

Repealing ObamaCare is “absolutely necessary for the conservative base,” said Dan Holler, a spokesman for Heritage Action.

As congressional Republicans decide what major legislation to tackle next year, it “needs to be ObamaCare,” Holler said.

Heading into a midterm election year, Republican leaders are eager to leave behind the turmoil of the ObamaCare repeal push — a failed effort that wasted months of valuable time — and turn to issues like welfare reform.

Like McConnell, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has made clear he’s eager to tackle other legislative priorities next year.

“I don’t think the health care issue is done,” Ryan said in an interview with The Weekly Standard published Friday. The report noted Ryan indicated a willingness to return to ObamaCare as soon as January.

“At the end of the day, we’ve got to go after the root cause — health care inflation and entitlements. Welfare reform is going to be our next lift,” Ryan said. 

The emerging focus on reforms to domestic programs does have support on the right, as many conservative groups have long called for action to rein in programs like food stamps and Medicaid.

FreedomWorks is supportive of the welfare reform effort, according to Jason Pye, the group’s vice president of legislative affairs.

“I think the House is outlining some ambitious plans for next year,” Pye said, adding, “we’re certainly on board with that, moving on welfare reform or welfare reform and entitlement reform.”

McConnell, meanwhile, has talked of wanting to seek bipartisan victories in 2018 and pointed to infrastructure as a likely area of cooperation.

"I think it's pretty popular with Democrats and Republicans," McConnell said at an Axios event Thursday.

President Trump has long urged action on infrastructure and is expected to release a legislative proposal next year. He tweeted support Friday for working with Democrats on a bill. 

“At some point, and for the good of the country, I predict we will start working with the Democrats in a Bipartisan fashion. Infrastructure would be a perfect place to start. After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!” Trump tweeted. 

But conservative groups warn Republicans should not stray from the core issues that helped them win power in 2016.

“It's important for Republican members of Congress to recall that they made a promise during last year's campaign to repeal ObamaCare,” said Andy Roth, vice president of government affairs for Club for Growth, a conservative group.

“So even though they had a difficult time doing that earlier this year, they still owe it to the American public to try again,” he said. “We definitely think that they need to tackle it.”

Asked whether Republicans should use reconciliation to pass an ObamaCare repeal bill, Roth responded: “If they think they can tackle entitlement reform of a material size, and whether that’s ObamaCare repeal or welfare reform, they’ve got to do one or the other.” 

Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.), the chairman of the conservative Republican Study Committee Chairman (RSC), said he hopes Republicans can get both entitlement reform and ObamaCare repeal done next year.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who has co-authored an ObamaCare repeal bill with Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), last week reiterated his commitment to pushing his legislation in 2018.

“To those who believe – including Senate Republican leadership – that in 2018 there will not be another effort to Repeal and Replace Obamacare -- well you are sadly mistaken,” Graham tweeted, along with a link to McConnell’s NPR effort.

McConnell and others have noted the difficulty Republicans are likely to have in passing an ObamaCare repeal bill with a 51-49 majority. Repeal legislation failed in the Senate repeatedly this year, when the GOP still enjoyed a 52-48 advantage. 

With the midterm elections fast approaching, passing ObamaCare repeal legislation could prove a heavy lift.

“The Graham-Cassidy proposal, they intend to, obviously, continue to work on. And my view of that is, as soon as we have the votes to achieve it, I would like to do that,” McConnell said at a year-end press conference Friday. “The only observation I made yesterday that you may be referring to is, 51-49 is a pretty — is a pretty tight majority. But I'd love to be able to make more substantial changes to Obamacare than we have.” 

Failing to repeal ObamaCare was a “big broken promise” that conservatives will remember, Pye, of FreedomWorks, said. But he, too, acknowledged the challenge of getting 51 votes in the Senate. 

"[Graham's] comments on Twitter the other day, just saying that it's imperative that we come back and revisit this issue at some point in time, I think he's absolutely right. We should,” Pye said. “But there's got to be some evidence of getting to 50 or 51 before we can do that."